أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي

أكاديمية التدريب الاحترافي (http://www.aptksa.org/vb/index.php)
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الاستاذه هدى كتوعه 01-31-2011 10:54 PM

كيف تتخلص من المشاعر السلبية ؟؟

كيف تتخلص من المشاعر السلبية ؟؟
كثيراً ما نشكو الروتين ، وكثيراً ما واجهتنا مشكلات كان لابد لها من حلول
وكثيراً ما توقفت أمآل وطموح عن التقدم والرقي ، كل ذلك بسبب المشاعر السلبية,.

أقصر الطرق إلى التخلص من المشاعر السلبية إنه طريق المركز الأكاديمي لرواد النجاح
سيقدم دورة متميزة بعنوان التخلص من المشاعر السلبية بتقنية EFT

للأستـاذة : ندى عبدالله

الفئة المستهدفة :
- جميع من يعاني من ضغوط في العمل أو لديه مشاكل صحية أو نفسية رجال ونساء وأطفال .

أهداف الدورة :
التغلب على ضغوط العمل والمنزل اليومية بكل يسر وسهوله.
التحكم والمساعدة على التغلب على الآلام الجسدية المصاحبة للعضوية .
المساعدة على السيطرة على أنواع الإدمان والتغلب على أثرها كإنقاص الوزن .
التحرر من العلاقات السلبية وأثارها والرغبات والعادات المضرة والقناعات المقيدة والمعيقة .
إزالة الخلل في مسارات الطاقة في الجسم والإنعكاسات النفسية .
التخلص بسرعة من المخاوف الوهمية التي تزعزع الثقة بالذات من الداخل .
التدريب على كيفية التخلص من الخوف والقلق ، التخلص من الغضب والعصبية
و تعلم أيضا كيف يتخلص من الإحراج والخجل ، الشعور بالذنب ، الصدمات والذكريات الأليمة
جميعها باستخدام التقنية .
التعرف على ملوثات الطاقة والتي تعيق من تقدم التقنية ونجاحها.

محاور الدورة :
كيف تتكون لدينا المشاعر السلبية ؟ وكيف تتخلص منها ؟؟
التدريب على استخدام الطريقة الأساسية والمختصرة لتقنية الحرية النفسية
استخدام تقنية الحرية النفسية للتخلص من عدة مشاكل ومشاعر سلبية منها:
الرهاب الاجتماعي
القلق وقضم الاضافر
الخوف الشديد من بعض الحشرات والحيوانات
الإدمان على القهوة
الإدمان على الشكولاته
الآم أسفل الظهر
الخوف من المصاعد
الخوف من ركوب الطائرة
التهاب غشاء القولون
الشعور بالذنب والأرق
ضيق التنفس
الاعتداء الجنسي
الخوف من الإبر
تقبل الذات
الانعكاس النفسي كيف يحدث وكيف يعالج ؟
التعرف على ملوثات الطاقة والتي تعيق من نجاح وتقدم التقنية

التخلص من المشاعر السلبية بتقنية EFT
يعد من أقوى برامج الشخصية
و سيقام هذا البرنامج في قاعة المركز الأكاديمي لرواد النجاح – عن بعد – عبر الإنترنت :

تفاصيل الدورة :

أ) مدة الدورة :
يومين لمدة خمس ساعات تدريبية بواقع ساعتين ونصف يوميا .
الجمعة 4\2\2011م
السبت 5\2\2011م

ب) بعد الدورة :
سيكون المتدرب قادرا بإذن الله على تطبيق التقنية بنفسه بكل يسر وسهولة والتخلص من جميع المشاعر السلبية المعيقة .

ج) سعر الدورة :
240 ريال سعودي فقط

د) الشهادة:
سيمنح المشاركين في الـدورة شهادة معتمدة من برنامج المدرب المحترف المعتمد PCT من المركز العالمي الكندي CGC

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مع تحيات الفريق التسويقي للمركز الأكاديمي لرواد النجاح

GregoryPat 08-31-2019 02:41 AM

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FrankJScott 11-12-2021 07:01 PM

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FrankJScott 11-30-2021 06:12 AM

High Rated Internal Transport Robot Info
What are the primary benefits of Autonomous Mobile Robots

1. Greater Flexibility
Because Autonomous Mobile Robots rely heavily on cameras and sensors onboard for operation, and not magnetic tape or wires as with AGCs and AGVs--they are an example of the flexibility, agility and automation. Autonomous Mobile Robots do not have to follow predetermined routes. They can instead create their own efficient routes within the facility. This helps them avoid the obstacles. Autonomous Mobile Robots can also be adapted to be changed to perform new tasks in a short time, unlike other automation systems that require more effort and time to program. Check out this Retail automation info for more.

2. Safety is the top priority
Autonomous Mobile Robots come packed with cameras and sensors. These sensors and cameras enable the Autonomous Mobile Robot to comprehend and read its environment. This lets it move around a facility with minimal interference from people, infrastructure and even the product. Human-operated equipment like forklifts doesn't come with the same safety features, and relies on the input of humans. Autonomous Mobile Robots are more secure than human operators. A human operator could become disoriented or fatigued, which could lead to an accident. Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to carry out repetitive tasks, and decrease human error. This can greatly increase safety.

3. Rapid Implementation
Autonomous Mobile Robots can be set up in just a few weeks, based on the type of operation. (Especially important here are the warehouse picking software and execution software that the units will require integration with.) Even with the most sophisticated technology, this process takes a remarkable amount of time. For comparison, a goods-to-person (G2P) system could take up to a year to fully implement.

4. Ability to increase scale
Autonomous Mobile Robots are able to be installed within an organization in a simple way. You can follow the modular approach to deployment that starts with a couple of units and increasing your number when you require them. This means that you don't need to invest an enormous amount of money in the beginning. Instead of purchasing huge quantities of Autonomous Mobile Robots it is possible to purchase just a few units and later increase your fleet. Modular deployment lets you save capital for future initiatives, while you analyze and determine your next actions.

5. It is simple to transfer between facilities
Certain operations might not want to think about the possibility of automation if they know that the move to an entirely new facility is coming up. This reasoning is logical. A new system may not be needed for two years, so why would you need to implement it? In situations such as this, Autonomous Mobile Robots can be used to bridge the gap during the period of transition. Because they are relatively simple to install and deploy, they can be transferred between facilities in a relatively simple manner, allowing automation even in the short-term. This is a benefit to businesses planning to establish temporary activities during the holidays.

FrankJScott 12-03-2021 12:01 AM

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FrankJScott 01-10-2022 10:42 PM

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FrankJScott 01-24-2022 11:25 PM

Great Business Trip Massage Details
A Business Trip Massage is a great way to relax during travel. This type of massage is usually referred to as"Business Massage. It's a great method to reenergize and replenish your body and mind following stress from physical or mental, or fatigue. Massage will help you to get better sleep at nights. These are the advantages of a Business Travel massage. Benefit from this service during your next trip. A business trip massage can help you relax and focus on your business trip. It will help prevent chronic back pains and can ease tension. A lot of massage salons provide this service, so make sure that you locate one that offers it! A relaxing massage lasting 15-20 minutes is an ideal opportunity to relax after a long trip. Massages for the entire body are an ideal present to a business traveler. The benefits of a massage for business will be noticeable for both you and your co-workers. No matter whether you are a frequent or occasional traveler, a massage is a great way to keep your mind on long flights. It can also help with back pain, which could result in a flight being cancelled because of back pain. Swedish massages, deep tissue and aromatherapy massages are some of the most preferred kinds of massages that travelers prefer. If you are looking to save money an arm massage may be the best choice. Check out this 출장마사지 for advice.

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Business travelers can make use of a massage during the course of a business trip. Massages are a great way to keep your mind focused and recuperate from long travel. Massages can even help with chronic back discomfort. Business travelers enjoy massages that are deep and Swedish massages. Massages that are aromatherapy are highly sought-after. If you're in a hurry and need to get your work done, a 15- or 20-minute massage in a chair can be a viable option. Business travelers should look into having massages during their travels. Massages are a fantastic way to stay focused and avoid persistent back pain. A massage on business trips can be as simple as the simple act of a Swedish massage or a massage in a chair. A massage during a business trip can be the key to the difference between a stressful and enjoyable experience. Massages that are effective can boost productivity and reduce stress. Massages can keep you focused and relaxed on an upcoming business excursion. A massage can help prevent back pain. Massages can be used to assist you to recover from long flights. It can also assist you to alleviate back pain. There are a variety of massages for travelers. You can pick from Swedish massages, deep tissue and aromatherapy. A massage in the chair is a quick fix that you can perform at home anywhere. Even during business trips, you can get a chair massage.

FrankJScott 02-08-2022 04:38 AM

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