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04-19-2017, 12:43 PM

Awt4 # 2017 - itr

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- : 01149578299 002

: amr@itregy.com




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: Power Point


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ITR " "
2017 :

Advanced management and modern trends, personnel and training and career

Creativity and quality in the strategic training and empowerment career

Efficiency in the management of functional relationships and systems Personnel

Human Performance Technology and the quality of work management

Organization and management of the workforce and analysis of the business and the quality of training

The efficiency of discrimination in the Human Resources and Personnel Management

Modern methods of management and human resource development H.R.M

Diploma in Human Resources Management

Preparation Almadrbeyen T.O.T

Human Resources Development Personnel Management

Master of Human Resource Management

Distribution of bonus compensation mechanisms and planning salaries

Modern ways of conducting interviews and attract talent and selected performance management

The development of human resources management systems and systems motivate staff

Development and career planning for employees

Manpower planning and process re-engineering and performance assessment

Basic skills for effective training

Developed strategies for the development, training, organization and evaluation

Preparation and development of policies and procedures for human resources

Excellence and total quality management of human resources and training

Capital and human resources management

Personnel management practices and regulation of labor relations

Basic skills for effective management training

Measure the effectiveness of human resources on organizational performance within the frameworks standards

Identify and assess the needs of the training, according to the mechanism of fast track

Technological strategies in human resource management and planning and analysis of workforce

Foundations put controls between employee relations and development

Financial skills to the staff of the Human Resources

Planning training activity and identify needs and prepare budgets for development management

Advanced strategies in the selection and recruitment and disciplinary systems and termination

The performance and the behavior and attitudes of Personnel Management

Creativity and excellence in the foundations of human resources and personnel management

Advanced professional standards in the performance evaluation systems and staff development

The development of human resource managers and training skills using DACUM

Modern methods in human resources management in the modern era

Modern strategies to identify training needs using the competencies Competencies

Recent trends in training policies

Integrated approach to human resources management

Master mini professional management MINi MBA

Functional replacement of human resources plans and build new organizations

Organization and manpower planning and preparation of training plans

Planning and career development for employees

Measure the effectiveness of human resources and mechanisms analyzed

Integrated Programme in Human Resource Management from Oxford

Mediation in the work environment and conflict resolution skills

Analysis and characterization of business planning and organizing job actions

Advanced Systems for the characterization and career preparation of the organizational structure and to develop performance plans

Strategic planning of human resources and the preparation and development of competencies

Preparation and development of training specialists and coordinators

Re-engineering of human resources according to the needs of the organization

Change strategies for human resource management professionals

Modern means of writing effective labor policies Awalajraat

( - - - ) :

Marketing Manager : Amr Rady

Mob & Whatsapp : 002 01149578299

Email : : amr@itregy.com

Marketing Website : Gulf Seminars

Main Website : International Training Resort -ITR

11-02-2023, 10:19 AM   : [2]


   ICQ  GregoryPat    AIM  GregoryPat    Yahoo  GregoryPat    Skype  GregoryPat

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